Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Via di San Vito, Florence, Italy - Google Street View

Do to the painter's block I skipped the "Paris" Virtual Paintout assigned in May, so I was anxious to do this month's Florence Google Streets for the June Virtual Paintout. This landscape painting of a field of olive trees was a good exercise for me.

I love my little vacations while on Google Streets. I could plan a trip like no other. I have become addicted to Google Street Views. My husband will walk in while I am on the computer and automatically asks, "And ... where are we now?" This weekend... I discovered the countryside of the South of France. OMG.... I have never been... but am so ready to go more than I have ever been.


  1. Karen,
    I am so proud of you! Your painting is really good. I am so glad you didn't give up on it because of your "Painter's Block." Yeah!!!!!!! You are back on the canvas!

